Overview of Web Technologies
Setting up Text Editors (VS Code, Atom)
Setting up Browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari)
Introduction to IP and DNS
Introduction to HTTP and HTTPS
Understanding Web Browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari)
Command Line Basics (Part )
Developer Tools
Inspect and find elements
HTML Basics Introduction to Tags and Elements
HTML Basics Attributes and Document Structure
HTML Text Elements (Part )
HTML Text Elements (Part )
HTML Media Elements (Images, Audio, Video)
HTML Forms Introduction
HTML Input Fields, Buttons
HTML Radio Buttons, Checkboxes
Practical Create a sample web page using learned HTML elements.
CSS Introduction to Selectors, Properties, and Values
CSS Box Model
CSS Display Properties
CSS Floats and Positioning
CSS Basic Styling (Colours, Fonts, Backgrounds)
CSS Borders, Margins, and Padding
CSS Flexbox Introduction
CSS CSS Grid Introduction
CSS Media Queries and Basic Responsive Design
Practical Making a Responsive Web Page
JavaScript Introduction, Variables, Data Types
JavaScript Functions
JavaScript Loops and Conditions
JavaScript Arrays and Objects
Practical Simple JS-based Interactions on a Web Page
JavaScript Introduction to the Document Object Model (DOM)
JavaScript Selecting DOM Elements
JavaScript Changing Content and Handling Events
JavaScript ES Introduction - Arrow Functions, Promises
JavaScript ES Continued - Async/Await, Destructuring
Introduction to jQuery
Basics of React or Vue.js (Choose based on interest)
Diving deeper into React or Vue.js
Introduction to other frameworks Angular or Svelte (Overview)
Practical Small project using jQuery or React/Vue.js
Understanding the Client-Server Model
Introduction to Server Languages (PHP)
Databases Basics, SQL vs. NoSQL
Dive into a specific database MySql, MariaDb,PostgreSql
Practical Setting up a simple server and database
Introduction to RESTful services and APIs
Understanding API endpoints and HTTP methods (GET, POST)
HTTP methods continued (PUT, DELETE) and API best practices
Basics of JWT and OAuth for Authentication
Practical Create a simple API
Introduction to Git Repositories and Commits
Git Branches, Merges
Git Pull Requests, Conflict Resolution
Platforms Introduction to GitHub or GitLab
Practical Collaborative Project using Git and GitHub/GitLab